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Home Strategic Sectors Mining
Written by Alex Ontaneda   
Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Welcome to the ECCC - Mining Sector Committee Homepage

 About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Mining Sector
The ECCC Mining Sector is made up of mineral exploration companies, service providers and consultants to the industry.   The Committee is comprised of the following individuals:

 Presidente: John Malysa, ECUACORRIENTE



Carson Noel

Aurelian Resources

Leslie Smith


Alfredo  Sebastia


C�sar Zumarraga

Tobar & Bustamente

Ricardo V�ldez

Embajad� de Canad�

Gustavo Freile


Gustavo Ald�s


    If you are looking for companies which are active in the sector and which provide services to the industry, we recommend the following chamber members and suggest you discover more details through the following links:    

Mineral Exploration Companies

Service Providers

Ascendant CopperAndrade, Veloz y Asociados
Ascendant ExplorationApexlex Abogados         
Aurelian Resources         Barrera Molina Viteri & Andrade Cevallos, Abogados Consultores Cia. Ltda.
EcuacorrienteBuscore Consulting
IAMGoldBustamante & Bustamante
International Minerals CorporationC. Puig & Asociados
Ecuadorian Mining Chamber
Elipe, S.A.
Estudio Juridico Izurieta Mora Bowen
Paz & Horowitz
Santillan Abogados
Servicios y Remediaci�n
Tobar & Bustamante

About Our Mission
The mandate of the Chamber's Mining Sector Committee is to support the overall chamber mission - to provide valuable information and services in support of bi-lateral trade between Ecuador and Canada � and to support sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives in the mining sector. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to contact our Janio S�nchez, President of the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce
at .

About the Ecuadorian Mining Sector
Presently, Ecuador has one of the least developed mining industries in South America.  Currently, however, advanced studies are underway on several projects that could form the basis of a modern mining industry in the near future. In the meantime the country produces an estimated 10 tons of gold from a large number of small scale operations based mainly on skarn, polymetallic and low-sulphidation gold occurrences scattered throughout the Western and Eastern Cordilleras in the southern part of the country.
Canada has a significant investment in the current mining exploration activities taking place. Leading the way are companies such as IAMGold, International Minerals Corporation, Corriente Resources, and Aurelian Resources. 

  • Last January 22nd, 2007 took place the Mining Committee meeting in which was elected Mr. Jhon Malysa as the new President of this Committee. Mr. Malysa is General Manager of Ecuacorriente.

"Regulatory Bodies"

Ministerio de Energ�a y Minas
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente

"Useful websites"

C�mara de Miner�a del Ecuador


For the 2007 Ecuadorian Canadian Trade Fair the Mining Committee participated with a number of its members as project exhibitors, including EcuaCorriente S.A. and Ascendant Copper S.A., in the main fair area and as sponsors of a central stand (Aurelian Resources, Iamgold, IMC, and other important mining companies). The purpose of this central stand was to provide an area for conversation to introduce suppliers, Chamber members from other trade sectors, and the public in general to minerals, there practical applications, mining potential in Ecuador, and standard and best practices in exploration and mining projects from a Canadian perspective.  

EcuaCorriente sponsored well-attended luncheon presentations by Esteban Vega, Minister in Charge, Ministry of Industry and Productivity, on �Plans, Policies, and Objectives of Industrial and Manufacture growth� followed by Ian Harris of EcuaCorriente presenting �Impact of the Mining Industry related to the Industrial, Services and Business Sectors�.   

The Mining Committee also had well attended seminars covering the principal themes of �Environmental Management in Ecuador�, presented by Danny Yanez in representation of the Sub-secretary for Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Energy and Mines; the topic provoking a lively discussion amongst the members of the audience during the question period. �Legal and Technical Framework of Modern Mining� presented in a discussion format by Cesar Espinosa, Vice-President of the Ecuadorian chamber of Mines followed by a pair of presentations on the relationship of exploration and mining with communities. The first of these presentations by Carlos Muirragui, of ELIPE S.A., �Mining and Communities� from an Ecuadorian perspective covering mineral knowledge of the country, its past experiences, and its future potential, and the second from Don Clarke, representing the Black River indigenous association from Manitoba Canada. This final presentation covered �Responsible Mining: a tool for community development�, a Canadian indigenous perspective on its potential for diminishing poverty in marginalized regions.

Darryl Lindsay


Upcoming Sector Event Information

Trade Missions and Seminars

Past Trade Missions: PDAC 2006 (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada), International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange - Mining Investment Show, Toronto, Canada, March 5-8 2006.                 

 Other Activities

One of the activities of the Committee has been the execution of a cooperation agreement with the Ecuadoriahttps://g Chamber (www.cme.org.ec). The intention is for both institutions to develop products to accommodate mutual interests, with the focus being on sustainable development, environmental management, and investment security.


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 17 April 2007 )
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Ecuadorian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Inglaterra 1373 y Av. Amazonas, Torre Centro Ejecutivo, Piso 2, Oficina 201
PBX: (593-2) 2468598 -227 7544 -225 5496