Welcome to the ECCC - Mining Sector Committee Homepage
About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Mining Sector The ECCC Mining Sector is made up of mineral exploration companies, service providers and consultants to the industry. The Committee is comprised of the following individuals:
Mr. Carson Noel - General Manager, Aurelian Resources
Mr. Leslie Smith - General Manager, Servicios y Remediaci�n Consultants
If you are looking for companies which are active in the sector and which provide services to the industry, we recommend the following chamber members and suggest you discover more details through the following links:
About Our Mission The mandate of the Chamber's Mining Sector Committee is to support the overall chamber mission - to provide valuable information and services in support of bi-lateral trade between Ecuador and Canada � and to support sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives in the mining sector. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to contact Andrew Grant at or Carson Noel at .
Committee Activities The principal activities of the Committee have been to execute a cooperation agreement with the Ecuadorian Mining Chamber (www.cme.org.ec). The intention is for both institutions to develop products to accommodate mutual interests, with the focus being on sustainable development, environmental management, and investment security.
About the Ecuadorian Mining Sector Presently, Ecuador has one of the least developed mining industries in South America. Currently, however, advanced studies are underway on several projects that could form the basis of a modern mining industry in the near future. In the meantime the country produces an estimated 10 tons of gold from a large number of small scale operations based mainly on skarn, polymetallic and low-sulphidation gold occurrences scattered throughout the Western and Eastern Cordilleras in the southern part of the country. Canada has a significant investment in the current mining exploration activities taking place. Leading the way are companies such as IAMGold, International Minerals Corporation, Corriente Resources, and Aurelian Resources.
La C�mara de Comercio Ecuatoriano Canadiense organiz� con gran �xito la Primera Misi�n Comercial Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada PDAC 2006 que se realiz� entre el 5 y 8 de marzo de 2006, en la ciudad de Toronto, Canad�. Art�culo PDAChttps:// Leer m�s
PDAC 2006 (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada), International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange - Mining Investment Show, Toronto, Canada, March 5-8 20https:///font>Read More
The ECCC Mining Committee is now preparing a mission to PDAC 2006, the most important event in the world of exploration. Soon, more information will be posted on how to join the Ecuadorian delegation going to Toronto.
Oferta de Estudios en Canada
Thursday, 09 March 2006
Estimados Amigos:
Actualmente se realizan algunas ofertas de estudios en Canad�, adjunto Leer mas se servir�n encontrar el detalle del Curso de oferta en Primavera, esta es una oferta que incluye alojamiento y el curso que deber� ser reservado hasta antes del 31 de Marzo
Las pasant�as existen para: Canada, Australia y EE.UU., adem�s tenemos el programa Trabaja y Estudia en EE.UU. que les podr�a interesar, el viernes 10 d�a Viernes 10 de marzo se dictar� una conferencia gratuita en la Av. Republica E2-100 y Azuay a la cual estamos invit�ndolos cordialmente Cualquier duda s�rvase por favor ponerse en contacto con
Mag. Fanny G�mez (Corporaci�n Canadiense) Puede visitar nuestro Whttps:// www.trabajayestudia.com
Wednesday, 08 March 2006
2006 Canada-Latin America-Caribbean Research Exchange Grants (LACREG)
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2006 Canada-Latin America-Caribbean Research Exchange Grants (LACREG) program. This program has been managed by the AUCC with financial support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) since 1995.
The purpose of this program is to strengthen international partnerships and consolidate emerging networks among academic researchers from Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean. It is designed to support small collaborative research activities which will contribute to the creation, dissemination and sustained application of knowledge for the development process in at least one area of IDRC thematic priority. Read More
Subvenciones para el Intercambio de Investigaci�n Canad�-Am�rica Latina y el Caribe (BII-CALC) 2006
La Asociaci�n de Universidades y Colegios de Canad� (AUCC) se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del programa de Subvenciones para el Intercambio de Investigaci�n Canad�-Am�rica Latina y el Caribe (BII-CALC) 2006. Este programa ha sido administrado por la AUCC con el apoyo financiero del Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (IDRC) desde 1995.
El prop�sito de este programa es fortalecer las alianzas internacionales y consolidar las redes emergentes entre los investigadores acad�micos de Canad� y de Am�rica Latina y el Caribe. Est� destinado a apoyar actividades menores de colaboraci�n en investigaci�n que permitan contribuir a la creaci�n, difusi�n y aplicaci�n sostenida del conocimiento para el proceso de desarrollo en al menos una de las �reas tem�https://rioritarias del IDRC. Leer mas
Entrenamientos para consejeros y orientadores profesionales
Wednesday, 14 December 2005
La C�mara de Comercio Ecuatoriano Canadiense y la Embajada de Canad�,en el mes de marzo del 2005 realiz� el Seminario �Entrenamiento para Consejeros y Orientadores Profesionales� en el Swissotel.
La Conferencia �Entrenamiento para Consejeros y Orientadores Profesionales� tuvo como prop�sito dar a conocer las oportunidades de estudio que ofrece Canad�. El evento, que busca apoyar la labor de quienes distribuyen informaci�n sobre estudios en Canad� cont� con la participaci�n de diferentes tipos de organizaciones, lo cual enriqueci� el intercambio de experiencias sobre el tema.
Este entrenamiento tuvo como objetivo principal: apoyar la labor de las personas vinculadas a la promoci�n de estudios; brindar informaci�n espec�fica sobre el sistema de educaci�n canadiense y brindar herramientas informativas para facilitar el proceso de estudios en Canad�.
El Entrenamiento para Consejeros y Orientadores Profesionales cont� con la participaci�n de un experto en el sistema educativo canadiense, representante de Canadian Education Centre Network (CEC Network) y de un representante de la Embajada de Canad� en Ecuador, quienes se unieron para ofrecer informaci�n de primera mano sobre Canad�.
La inversi�n para participar en este evento fue de: SOCIOS DE LA CAMARA ECUATORIANO CANANDIENSE: $ 50 (Incluido IVA) NO SOCIOS DE LA CAMARA ECUATORIANO CANADIENSE: $ 60 (Incluido IVA)
Thursday, 01 December 2005
Mark Richardson - Profile
Mark Richardson, hails from Ottawa, Ontario and has worked for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade since 1999. Prior to joining the Department, Mark was involved in International Development and South American studies at the University of Dalhousie in Halifax, Nova Scotia, graduating in the spring of 1999. Before being posted to Quito as Commercial Program Manager in September 2003, Mark was the Trade Commissioner responsible for aerospace and defence in Ottawa and worked closely with Canadian Embassies around the world to promote Canadian aerospace and defence products. Prior to this position, Mark was an International Market Analyst within the Department and worked to identify international business opportunities for Canadian companies in a variety of sectors. In addition to his responsbilities as Commercial Program Manager, Mark is also responsible for the environmental and telecommunications sectors within the Embassy.