Welcome to the ECCC - Mining Sector Committee Homepage
About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Mining Sector The ECCC Mining Sector is made up of mineral exploration companies, service providers and consultants to the industry. The Committee is comprised of the following individuals:
Presidente: John Malysa, ECUACORRIENTE
Carson Noel
Aurelian Resources
Leslie Smith
C�sar Zumarraga
Tobar & Bustamente
Ricardo V�ldez
Embajad� de Canad�
Gustavo Freile
Gustavo Ald�s
If you are looking for companies which are active in the sector and which provide services to the industry, we recommend the following chamber members and suggest you discover more details through the following links:
About Our Mission The mandate of the Chamber's Mining Sector Committee is to support the overall chamber mission - to provide valuable information and services in support of bi-lateral trade between Ecuador and Canada � and to support sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives in the mining sector. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to contact our Janio S�nchez, President of the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce at .
About the Ecuadorian Mining Sector Presently, Ecuador has one of the least developed mining industries in South America. Currently, however, advanced studies are underway on several projects that could form the basis of a modern mining industry in the near future. In the meantime the country produces an estimated 10 tons of gold from a large number of small scale operations based mainly on skarn, polymetallic and low-sulphidation gold occurrences scattered throughout the Western and Eastern Cordilleras in the southern part of the country. Canada has a significant investment in the current mining exploration activities taking place. Leading the way are companies such as IAMGold, International Minerals Corporation, Corriente Resources, and Aurelian Resources.
Last January 22nd, 2007 took place the Mining Committee meeting in which was elected Mr. Jhon Malysa as the new President of this Committee. Mr. Malysa is General Manager of Ecuacorriente.
For the 2007 Ecuadorian Canadian Trade Fair the Mining Committee participated with a number of its members as project exhibitors, including EcuaCorriente S.A. and Ascendant Copper S.A., in the main fair area and as sponsors of a central stand (Aurelian Resources, Iamgold, IMC, and other important mining companies). The purpose of this central stand was to provide an area for conversation to introduce suppliers, Chamber members from other trade sectors, and the public in general to minerals, there practical applications, mining potential in Ecuador, and standard and best practices in exploration and mining projects from a Canadian perspective.
EcuaCorriente sponsored well-attended luncheon presentations by Esteban Vega, Minister in Charge, Ministry of Industry and Productivity, on �Plans, Policies, and Objectives of Industrial and Manufacture growth� followed by Ian Harris of EcuaCorriente presenting �Impact of the Mining Industry related to the Industrial, Services and Business Sectors�.
The Mining Committee also had well attended seminars covering the principal themes of �Environmental Management in Ecuador�, presented by Danny Yanez in representation of the Sub-secretary for Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Energy and Mines; the topic provoking a lively discussion amongst the members of the audience during the question period. �Legal and Technical Framework of Modern Mining� presented in a discussion format by Cesar Espinosa, Vice-President of the Ecuadorian chamber of Mines followed by a pair of presentations on the relationship of exploration and mining with communities. The first of these presentations by Carlos Muirragui, of ELIPE S.A., �Mining and Communities� from an Ecuadorian perspective covering mineral knowledge of the country, its past experiences, and its future potential, and the second from Don Clarke, representing the Black River indigenous association from Manitoba Canada. This final presentation covered �Responsible Mining: a tool for community development�, a Canadian indigenous perspective on its potential for diminishing poverty in marginalized regions.
Darryl Lindsay
Upcoming Sector Event Information
Trade Missions and Seminars
Past Trade Missions: PDAC 2006 (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada), International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange - Mining Investment Show, Toronto, Canada, March 5-8 2006.
Other Activities
One of the activities of the Committee has been the execution of a cooperation agreement with the Ecuadoriahttps://g Chamber (www.cme.org.ec). The intention is for both institutions to develop products to accommodate mutual interests, with the focus being on sustainable development, environmental management, and investment security.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 17 April 2007 )
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 03 October 2006
Welcome to the ECCC - Commerce Sector Committee Homepage
About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce-Commerce Sector
At the ECCC, the commerce sectoral committee is comprised of the following members:
C�sar Zumarraga
Tobar y Bustamente
Marc-Andr� Hawkes
Embajada de Canad�
Patr�cio Izurieta
Agr�cola Monterrey
Jaime Jaramillo
Maria Isabel S�enz
Patr�cio del Salto
About Our Mission
The Chamber's Commerce Sector mandate is, in support of the overall chamber mission, to provide valuable information and services in support of bi-lateral trade between Ecuador and Canada. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to Contact Us!
Upcoming Sector Event Information
The 3rd Ecuador-Canada Trade show will be held on March 2007.
Trade shows and Seminars
Past Trade shows: 2nd Annual Commerce Trade show, Quito, March 2005. 44 expositors firms and 6 speakers representing leaders in the fields of telecommunications, mining, petroleum, environment, social impact, and bilateral relations between Canada and Ecuador. This event was made possible thanks to sponsorships of Andinatel, Alegro, Exact Pay, and Azul. 1st Commerce Trade show, Quito, November 2003.
Past Seminar: �Exporting to the Canadian marketplace� with the participation of an expert from the Trade Facilitation Office of Canada (TFOC), Mr. Brian Northgrave, May 4, 2005. "Incentivos que ofrece el Ecuador para la inversi�n extranjera e impactos de la firma del tratado de Libre Comercio", with Ivonne Juez de Baki, March 2, 2005.
Welcome to the ECCC - Education Sector Committee Homepage
About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Education Sector
At the ECCC, the education sectoral committee is comprised of the following members:
Presidente: Marie Vivas, Colegio Americano de Quito
Institution/Instituci�n Company/Empresa
Barbara Sipe
Colegio Einstein
Sofia Calvache
Colegio SEK
Tracy Gavilanes
Colegio Menor San Francisco
Nick Edwards
Academia Cotopaxi
Fabi�n Jaramillo
Teodoro Alvarez
Unidad Educativa Tom�s Moro
Maggie Boak
Embajad� de Canad�
Esteban G�mez
Corporaci�n Canadiense
Fanny G�mez
Corporaci�n Canadiense
George Heusner
Colegio SEK
Ray Marx
Colegio Americano
Alex Ontaneda
C�mara de Comercio Ecuatoriano Canadiense
Jacinthe Roy
C�mara de Comercio Ecuatoriano Canadiense
About Our Mission
The mission of the Education Committee is to promote educational exchange and education-related activities between Canada and Ecuador, and to serve as a liaison between institutions in the two countries and between Canadian and Ecuadorian citizens interested in educational exchange.
To carry out this mission, the Education Committee has established the following goals:
1. Create opportunities for exchange between Canadian and Ecuadorian educational institutions. 2. Encourage the involvement of the Canadian-Ecuadorian community in Quito (ex-pats, returning graduates, business people) in educational activities 3. Distribute information to the Ecuadorian community about living and studying in Canada. 4. Distribute information to the Canadian community about living and studying in Ecuador. 5. Cooperate with other CCEC committees in activities that promote cultural and educational exchange between Ecuador and Canada. 6. Facilitate opportunities for Ecuadorian students to study in Canada. 7. Promote Ecuador as a market for Canadian education. 8. Create a Canadian-Ecuadorian Alumni Association.
The Education Committee is considering the following activities to further these goals:
1. Organization of a counselor tour of Canadian universities (Summer 2006). 2. Formation of a Speakers Bureau. 3. Support to Canadian universities that wish to recruit in Ecuador. 4. Coordination of career days for member schools. 5. Support to university and professional exchanges. 6. Organization of local conferences on education topics. 7. Promotion of social and cultural events where students can learn about Canadian culture. 8. Establishment of an information library/database for incoming Canadian families about educational opportunities in Ecuador. 9. Establishment of an information library/database about Canadian educational opportunities for Ecuadorian citizens. 10. Creation of a database of Ecuadorian students currently in Canada and those who have returned.
This committee was restructured in March of 2005 and coordinated the first education seminar with the participation of different education institutions and volunteers from the sector. To date, they have coordinated the importation of educational guides, with the cooperation of the embassy. They have established a mission and a vision for this committee.
Important notice PROGRAMA DE BECAS PARA J�VENES ESTUDIANTES - �SUAVE SCHOLARS� Scholarship opportunity! Click here for more info.
Useful Information
Brochure of Canadian Universities: is now available for viewing. Translated into Spanish with support from the Foreign Affairs Canada (Mexico Division), this brochure is provided by the AUCC (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada)... Read More.
The Times Higher has just released their 2006 world review of Universities. This second annual review includes the top 200 Universities in the world, according to the studhttps://teria: worldrankings2005Universities.pdf (311.36 KB)
2005 Notes for International Students Thousands of international students choose Canadian universities as a stepping-stone towards a promising career. Each year, Canadian universities welcome foreign students from around the world to a wide variety of educational settings... Read more.
Trade Missions
Past Trade Mission: Counselor Tour of Canadian Universities, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Qu�bec and Ontario, July 30 - August 13, 2006.
Others activities
Conference sobre Estudios en Canad� "Entrenamiento para consejeros y orientadores profesionales", March 17-18, 2005.
Our Chamber Members
If you are looking for services we kindly recommend our chamber members.
Welcome to the ECCC - Petroleum and Gas Sector Committee Homepage
About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Petroleum and Gas Sector
At the ECCC, the petroleum and gas sectoral committee is comprised of the following members:
Presidente: Gustavo Rodas / Andes Petroleum Ecuador
Fernando Emanuel
Patr�cio Vergara
Janisse Mejia
Roque Bustamente
Andes Petr�leo
Ricardo V�ldez
Embajada de Canad�
Alfredo Arizaga
Oscar Campana
Jaime Jaramillo
Leslie Smith
Carlos Roman
Gustavo Freire / Walkyria Vinueza
Jorge Gutierrez
Patr�cio Izurieta
Agr�cola Monterrey
Jos� Gabriel Zurita
Ivan Bedoya
Ma. Elena Chiriboga
Jorge Dur�n
Tony Fondiga
H�ctor Paz y Mi�o
About Our Mission
The Chamber's Petroleum and Gas Sector mandate is, in support of the overall chamber mission, to provide valuable information and services in support of bi-lateral trade between Ecuador and Canada. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to contact Pablo Flores, President of the Petroleum and Gas Committee, at or Contact Us!
Sector Notices
III FERIA COMERCIAL � Sector de Petr�leo
Durante la III Feria Comercial Ecuador � Canad� 2007, se dictaron varias conferencias de particular inter�s para el sector hidrocarbur�fero ecuatoriano, las mismas que estuvieron a cargode funcionarios de PETROECUADOR, PETROPRODUCCION,lacompa��a Contratista Dygoil y la compa��a consultora TECNIE.
El Ing. Marco Rivadeneira se refiri� al Plan de Acci�n de PETROECUADOR,tema de actualidad dado que en su intervenci�n abord� la problem�tica de la empresa y los planes deactividades de las nuevas autoridades de la empresa.
El actual Vicepresidente de PETROPRODUCCION. Ing. Oscar Garz�n abord� el tema �Actividad exploratoria bajo la modalidad de inversi�n de riesgo� dentro del cual d dio a conocer en detalle los diferentes proyectosde exploraci�n y producci�n que llevar� a cabo la empresaestatal PETROPRODUCCIÖN que demuestran la existencia de unextraordinario potencial hidrocarbur�fero en el Ecuadoren varias cuencas, incluyendo la regi�n litoral,habiendo efectuadouna formal invitaci�n al capital privado a fin de contribuir a los esfuerzos de la empresa estatal para llevar a buen t�rmino estos proyectos que ampliar�n significativamente las reservas y producci�n de petr�leo y gas en el Ecuador.
Por otra parte el Ing. Iv�n Bedoya, funcionario de Dygoil,expusolas bondades y beneficios del Contrato de Prestaci�n de Serviciospara el desarrollo y producci�n de campos petroleros pertenecientes a PETROECUADOR, tema de mucha actualidad pues esta modalidad contractual podr�a ser aplicada con mucho �xito, en otros yacimientos y mejorar sustancialmente la producci�nde la compa��a estatal petrolera ecuatoriana.
Finalmente el Ing. H�ctor Paz y Mi�o de la consultora TECNIEabord� lo relativoa la Panor�mica Petrolera 2007: An�lisis y Recomendaciones, tema que sirvi� para analizar la situaci�n actual de la industria petrolera en el Ecuador al momento, la necesidad de implementar y mejorar el panorama petrolero ecuatoriano.
Gustavo Rodas
During the III Trade Show Ecuador � Canada 2007, there were several conferences very interesting for the Ecuadorian hydrocarbons sector.They were given by executives of PETROECUADOR, PETROPRODUCCION, DYGOIL and TECNIE.
Mr. Marco Rivadeneira spoke about the Action Plan of PETROECUADOR.At the present time, this is an interesting subject since he spoke about the problems of the company and the activities planned by the new authorities.
The Vice-President of PETROPRODUCCION, Mr. Oscar Garzon spoke about the �Exploring activity under Risk Investment�. He detailed the different exploration and production projects that will execute the state company PETROPRODUCCION, which show the existence of an extraordinary hydrocarbons potential in Ecuador in several basins, including the coastal region.They have made a formal invitation to obtain private capital, in order to contribute to the efforts of the state company to conclude these projects that will significantly broaden the oil and gas reserves and production in Ecuador.
Mr. Ivan Bedoya, Manager of Dygoil, spoke about the benefits of the Services Contract for the development and production of the oil fields of PETROECUADOR.This is an important subject at the present time, as this contractual form can be successfully applied in other fields to improve substantially the production of the Ecuadorian state petroleum company.
Finally, Mr. Hector Paz y Mi�o of the consulting firm TECNIE spoke about the Petroleum Panorama 2007, analysis and recommendation.This subject was useful to analyze the present situation of the oil industry in Ecuador, and the need to implement and improve the Ecuadorian oil panorama.
Gustavo Rodas
Gracias a las gestiones del Se�or Embajador de Canad�, y de la C�mara Ecuatoriana Candiense, la Facultad de Ingenier�a de Geolog�a, Minas y Petr�leos de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, firm� con la Universidad de Calgary en Alberta, un convenio de asistencia t�cnica e intercambio de docentes y estudiantes para el desarrollo de una maestr�a en Ingenier�a de Crudos Pesados; esta invaluable colaboraci�n de la Embajada y de la C�mara, permitir� el que profesionales ecuatorianos, puedan optar por esta especializaci�n, tomando en cuenta que las reservas petroleras del Ecuador, en un 60%, son de crudos pesados.
Upcoming Sector event information
La C�mara de Comerco Ecuatoriano Canadiense se encuentra organizando su misi�n de Petroleo Go Expo que se llevar� a cabo en Calagary - Canad� del 12 al 14 de junio, esta importante Feria reune a las empresas petroleras m�s importantes del mundo.
Trade Missions and Seminars
Past Trade Missions: Global Petroleum Show 2006, Calgary, Canada, June 13-15, 2006.
Past Seminars: Lunch-Conference with the Attorney General of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Jos� Mar�a Borja, "Legal Conflicts in the Hydrocarbons Sector", June 6, 2006.
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 03 October 2006
Welcome to the ECCC - Environmental Sector Committee Homepage
About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Environmental Sector
At the ECCC, the environmental sectoral committee is comprised of the following members:
Presidente: Graeme Smith, Servicios y Remediaci�n S.A.
Andr�s Salvador
Steven Wells
Juan Leonardo Espinoza
Milton Ortega
Daimiservices S.A.
Sebastian Valdivezo
Byron Alvarez
Marc-Andr� Hawkes
Embajad� de Canad�
Adam McEniry
Wayne Dunn and Associates
David Neira
Cordelim Ministry of Environment
About Our Mission
Our mission is to provide key information, business development, networking and capacity building opportunities to investors, practitioners, civil society and the public and private sectors between Canada and Ecuador. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to contact Graeme Smith, President of the Environment and Social Impact Committee, at or Contact US!
Useful Websites
CONELEC - Informaci�n sobre plan de electrificaci�n, estad�sticas, proyectos de generaci�n, gesti�n ambienta, gu�as, EIAs, etc
ISO - Informaci�n sobre ISO 9001 y 14001, as� como CSR guidelines development
Consorcio Ecuatoriano para la Responsabilidad Social
Considero que la Feria Americana 2007, es una de las ferias m�s importantes,interesantes y amplias a las que he asistido, ya que abarc� temas que actualmente causan preocupaci�n a nivel mundial.
La calidad de los expositores fue de primera, muy profesional, al participar en ella pude aprender mucho sobre procesos, tecnolog�a, maquinarias y servicios ambientales.
Para nosotros, como empresa ecuatoriana, es un ejemplo que pa�ses de avanzada como Canad� est� apoyando y colaborando a que en pa�ses como Ecuador, se asimile la importancia de este tipo de conceptos, tan necesarios para poder realizar un cambio significativo dentro de la sociedad, que marque la diferencia y sirva de ejemplo para otros pa�ses tercermundistas.
Esta feria del medio ambiente cumpli� considerablemente con mis expectativas como empresario, ya que no solo rindi� frutos para mi desarrollo a nivel empresarial sino tambi�n a nivel personal, partiendo de este punto, nos encontramos estableciendo contacto con varias de las empresas canadienses con las que intercambiamos criterios e ideas para fortalecer conceptos y llegar a establecer relaciones comerciales y/o alianzas estrat�gicas que nos permitan concretar negocios en un mediano plazo, de modo que ambos pa�ses se beneficien.
Americana 2007, signific� no solo participar en una feria, sino que tambi�n contribuy� al perfeccionamiento de mis habilidades para actuar como un agente de cambio ante la problem�tica mundial de la destrucci�n del medio ambiente y me dio una visi�n m�s amplia de c�mo hacer negocios empleando la tecnolog�a que actualmente tenemos y que podemos desarrollar en un futuro no muy lejano, de manera favorable.La experiencia vivida los d�as que dur� esta feria fue muy fruct�fera, ya que compartimos grandes momentos con colegas involucrados y comprometidos con el bienestar ecol�gico � ambiental de la sociedad en general.
Espero tener la oportunidad de volver a participar en un evento tan importante como esta Feria del Medio Ambiente, as� como tambi�n de otros eventos que permitan analizar la forma en la que actualmente estamos manejando el patrimonio que estamos dejando a las futuras generaciones.
Agradezco sobremanera la gesti�n y servicio personalizados que recibimos por parte de la C�mara Ecuatoriano � Canadiense, a trav�s de sus representantes Frederick Caldwell y Maggie Boak, as� como tambi�n felicito al Gobierno y a la Embajada Canadiense por congregar a tantas delegaciones, ser pioneros en el esfuerzo del desarrollo del �rea ambiental en Latinoam�rica y en organizar este tipo de ferias de medio ambiente, que mejoran la calidad del nivel de vida de diferentes pa�ses alrededor del mundo.
Gustavo Manrique
The ECCC Environment and Social Impact sector team has actively participated and contributed by cordinating the following services to our members:
Upcoming Sector Event Information
Trade Missions and Seminars Past Trade Missions: Globe 2006, 9th Biennal Trade Fair & Conference on Business & the Environment, Vancouver, Canada, March 29-31, 2006 and Environmental mission to �Americana 2005� Montreal, Canada, April 6-10, 2005.
Past Seminars: �Alternative Conflict Solving Methods� (Resoluci�n Alternativa de Conflictos-Negociaci�n Mediaci�n), September 5-6, 2006, �Social Corporate Responsibility: Benefits and Opportunities for your Organization� June 16, 2005 and �State Control over Private Sector Environmental Performance� October 7, 2004.