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Written by Alex Ontaneda   
Monday, 02 October 2006

Dear Ecuadorian friends and fellow Canadian citizens.  Aware of the importance of strengthening existing links between Ecuador and Canada, I am very pleased that the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Quito has given me this opportunity to emphasize the importance of organizations such as the Chamber.  The commercial relationship between Canada and Ecuador increases daily and it is our great desire that this trend continues. 

For example, in 2005, Canadian exports to Ecuador reached 161,000,000.00 $CND ($US 133,954,570.00), Ecuadorian exports to Canada were 114,000,000.00 $CND ($US 94,826,152.00) and Canadian direct investment in Ecuador amounted to 2,100,000,000.00 $ CND ($US 1,746,797,537.00).  Canada believes that international trade should be in two directions and for this reason I am thrilled to have observed first hand, in my short time in Ecuador, the dedication of the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Quito. 

Before my arrival in Ecuador, I was responsible for Canadian relations with the region of Central America, the Caribbean, and the Andean Region and I can contest that of all the bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Latin American, those of Ecuador are within the top five most effective.  I am extremely impressed and grateful for their significant work and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate their Directors, Executive personnel, and members.  The Canadian Embassy will continue to work along-side the Chamber of Commerce in Quito with the goal of supporting their activities and strengthening the commercial relationship between Canada and Ecuador.

The commercial development of important projects in Quito and the province of Pichincha reflect the increasing dynamism of the economy in the region.  Quito and the northern highlands of Ecuador lead the country�s exports of important non-traditional products.  In addition, the region is home to a number of important Canadian companies who are developing significant infrastructure projects such as Quito�s new International Airport.  The commercial section of the Canadian Embassy will continue to work closely with the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Quito with the goal of increasing the commercial relations between our two great countries. 

As the Ambassador of Canada in Ecuador, I would like to make a cordial invitation to all businesses and professionals interested in strengthening the commercial activities and bonds of friendship between our great countries to join the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the city of Quito. 


Christian Lapointe

Ambassador of Canada

Last Updated ( Monday, 02 October 2006 )
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Ecuadorian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Inglaterra 1373 y Av. Amazonas, Torre Centro Ejecutivo, Piso 2, Oficina 201
PBX: (593-2) 2468598 -227 7544 -225 5496