We are already organizing our next General Assembly of Members that will take place on Thursday, July 19th. The Assembly will include the election of new Directors, and afterwards this Board of Directors will elect the President and the two Vice Presidents of the Chamber.
Please review the Call for the General Assembly, the Candidates Format and the Regulations. REGLAMENTO ELECCIONES VERSION FINAL 18-06-07.pdf FORMULARIO DE CANDIDATURA.doc CONVOCATORIA A ELECCIONES CCEC 2007.pdf
We have the pleasure to inform you that we have 17 candidates, who will participate in the Elections process. Please review the candidacies, so that you will be ready to vote on July 19th. CANDIDATURAS.pdf
El Calgary Stampede Breakfast es una tradici�n regional del occidente de Canad� donde las organizaciones locales preparan desayunos de pancakes gratuitos para su personal, residentes y visitantes a la ciudad. Siguiendo con esta tradici�n, nos encontramos organizado el desayuno de pancakes para el personal, la familia, y los amigos de nuestros asociados.
Les invitamos a participar y compartir este importante evento que se llevar� a cabo el d�a Domingo 01 de julio del presente, en la residencia de nuestro Vicepresidente, Leslie Smith, 1123 Acacias, Jacarand�, Cumbay� a las 11h00 a.m. El 50% de las ganancias ser� donado por las Damas Canandienses a una de las Instituciones Ben�ficias. El costo de de $15 por familia y $5 por persona. La vestimenta ser� de Vaquero.
The Calgary Stampede Breakfast is a regional tradition of Western Canada, where the local organizations prepare free pancake breakfasts for their staff, residents and visitors. Following this tradition, we are organizing this Stampede Breakfast for the staff, family and friends of our members.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in this event, which will be held at 11h00, on Sunday, July 1st, 2007 at the residence of our Vice President, Leslie Smith, 1123 Acacias, Jacaranda, Cumbaya. The 50% of the earnings will be donated by the Canadian Ladies to one of the Benefit Institutions. The prices are USD 15 per family and USD 5 for individuals. The attire is casual western.