Como miembro de la CCEC, tendr� la oportunidad de:
Participar en...
nuestras ferias comerciales
nuestras misiones comerciales a Canad�
seminarios y conferencias sobre varios temas
en los eventos y las actividades de networking
Trabajar conjuntamente con la Embajada de Canad�
Aprovechar del acceso a la red de contactos comerciales
Recibir pasant�as profesionales de Canad�
Tener acceso a informaci�n de calidad en nuestro sitio Web
Recibir el Newsletter de la C�mara
Todos estos beneficios le servir�n para dar a conocer sus productos y servicios, adem�s de establecer lazos comerciales y de tener m�s oportunidades, tanto a nivel nacional que internacional.
Si usted desea ser miembro de la CCEC por favor llene el siguiente formulario y enviar a nuestra direcci�n de correo electr�nico
The Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce offers to its members the following services and benifits:
As a member of the ECCC, you would have the opportunity to:
All theses benefits and services will allow you to promote your products and services, to develop commercial ties and to give your more opportunities.
in our annual Trade Shows
in our various Trade Missions to Canada
in Seminars and Conferences on different subjects of interest
in networking activities and events
Work together with the Canadian Embassy
Get commercial contacts among the members
Receive professional internships from Canada
Have access to specialized information through our web site resources
Receive the Chamber newsletter
All theses benefits and services will allow you to promote your products and services, to develop commercial ties and to give you more opportunities inside and outside of the country.
If you want to be a new member please fill the following form and to send to our email address