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Tuesday, 03 October 2006 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to the ECCC - Petroleum and Gas Sector Committee Homepage About the Ecuadorian Canadian Chamber of Commerce Petroleum and Gas Sector At the ECCC, the petroleum and gas sectoral committee is comprised of the following members:
About Our Mission The Chamber's Petroleum and Gas Sector mandate is, in support of the overall chamber mission, to provide valuable information and services in support of bi-lateral trade between Ecuador and Canada. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, feel free to contact Pablo Flores, President of the Petroleum and Gas Committee, at or Contact Us! Sector Notices III FERIA COMERCIAL � Sector de Petr�leo Durante El Ing. Marco Rivadeneira se refiri� al Plan de Acci�n de PETROECUADOR, tema de actualidad dado que en su intervenci�n abord� la problem�tica de la empresa y los planes de actividades de las nuevas autoridades de la empresa. El actual Vicepresidente de PETROPRODUCCION. Ing. Oscar Garz�n abord� el tema �Actividad exploratoria bajo la modalidad de inversi�n de riesgo� dentro del cual d dio a conocer en detalle los diferentes proyectos de exploraci�n y producci�n que llevar� a cabo la empresa estatal PETROPRODUCCIÖN que demuestran la existencia de un extraordinario potencial hidrocarbur�fero en el Ecuador en varias cuencas, incluyendo la regi�n litoral, habiendo efectuado una formal invitaci�n al capital privado a fin de contribuir a los esfuerzos de la empresa estatal para llevar a buen t�rmino estos proyectos que ampliar�n significativamente las reservas y producci�n de petr�leo y gas en el Ecuador. Por otra parte el Ing. Iv�n Bedoya, funcionario de Dygoil, expuso las bondades y beneficios del Contrato de Prestaci�n de Servicios para el desarrollo y producci�n de campos petroleros pertenecientes a PETROECUADOR, tema de mucha actualidad pues esta modalidad contractual podr�a ser aplicada con mucho �xito, en otros yacimientos y mejorar sustancialmente la producci�n de la compa��a estatal petrolera ecuatoriana. Finalmente el Ing. H�ctor Paz y Mi�o de Gustavo Rodas Presidente COMIT� DE PETROLEO III TRADE SHOW During the III Trade Show Mr. Marco Rivadeneira spoke about the Action Plan of PETROECUADOR. At the present time, this is an interesting subject since he spoke about the problems of the company and the activities planned by the new authorities. The Vice-President of PETROPRODUCCION, Mr. Oscar Garzon spoke about the �Exploring activity under Risk Investment�. He detailed the different exploration and production projects that will execute the state company PETROPRODUCCION, which show the existence of an extraordinary hydrocarbons potential in Mr. Ivan Bedoya, Manager of Dygoil, spoke about the benefits of the Services Contract for the development and production of the oil fields of PETROECUADOR. This is an important subject at the present time, as this contractual form can be successfully applied in other fields to improve substantially the production of the Ecuadorian state petroleum company. Finally, Mr. Hector Paz y Mi�o of the consulting firm TECNIE spoke about the Petroleum Panorama 2007, analysis and recommendation. This subject was useful to analyze the present situation of the oil industry in Gustavo Rodas President OIL COMMITTEE
Upcoming Sector event information La C�mara de Comerco Ecuatoriano Canadiense se encuentra organizando su misi�n de Petroleo Go Expo que se llevar� a cabo en Calagary - Canad� del 12 al 14 de junio, esta importante Feria reune a las empresas petroleras m�s importantes del mundo. Trade Missions and Seminars
Past Trade Missions: Global Petroleum Show 2006, Calgary, Canada, June 13-15, 2006. Past Seminars: Lunch-Conference with the Attorney General of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Jos� Mar�a Borja, "Legal Conflicts in the Hydrocarbons Sector", June 6, 2006. |
Last Updated ( Monday, 16 April 2007 ) |